The 40-Year-Old Virgin
IMDB link: The 40 Year Old Virgin
Date viewed: August 23, 2005
Source: Cinema
Mostly hilarious. A couple parts were weak, but overall, very good. - T
Very funny. I saw this movie twice within the span of a few days, and it held up pretty well during a second viewing - marred only by the lack of sufficient Sno Caps. I thought the movie was funny and sweet, despite its somewhat crude subject. The ending was brilliant. - A
Two points about your review. First, when you are at a movie, and someone offers you sno-caps, you best grab a handful. A big handful! You never know how long da caps is gonna last G.
Second, if you liked this movie, perhaps you should see Team America, World Police. Steve Carrel has a cameo in the deleted sex scene.
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