Casino Royale
IMDB link: Casino Royale
Source: Cinema
Viewed: November 21, 2006
From its beautiful beginning animation sequence full of mandelbrot clubs and shattering diamonds to the extended parkour chase scene, this movie gets off to a great start. Overall, I think this is my favorite Bond movie ever. I didn't even know the lead actor's name while I was watching the film (Daniel Craig), but he still made me forget the others who came before him. Those guys were just smug, spoiled brats. This guy is a soulless killer. A perfect hero for the Gen-X'er in me. His response to the question "Shaken or stirred?" was worth the price of admission all by itself. Sure, it turned into the worst kind of soap opera for about twenty minutes toward the end, but then it came to its senses just in time for the credits. - T
I really liked it. I see every Bond movie, but I don't know when I've enjoyed a Bond movie more. Bond seemed more human. Nice to have fewer crazy gadgets and megalomaniacs. Le Chiffre was a convincing villain with a wonderfully disturbing feature. I don't want to leak anything! Now shake or stir yourself and go see this movie. - A
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