The Future of Food
IMDB: The Future of Food
Source: Netflix streaming
Date viewed: January 12, 2011
This is a depressing movie. If there's one thing I've learned by watching this and Food, Inc, it is that Monsanto is a despicable company. It has genetically engineered some of the world's largest crops, interfered with U.S. politics and law, sued and ruined the lives and livelyhoods of thousands of small family farmers to ensure the sovereignty of its bogus patents and its total dominance of the food market. Cross-pollination has polluted crops far beyond its puppet farmers and tax-payer-subsidized "test plots," and the eventual result of the Monsanto-led monoculture of crops and the genetic modification of plants and animals in the U.S., and perhaps around the world, could be much more depressing, even, than watching this film. - T
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