Bright Star
IMDB: Bright Star
Source: Netflix streaming
Date viewed: February 20, 2011
I liked that this made me look into Keats's poetry a little more, but I have a love/hate relationship with bio-pics, which really is more of just a hate relationship. This one wasn't so bad, though, because I didn't really expect truth, I just expected a story based loosely on truth. Paul Schneider made Mr. Brown very hatable, which may or may not have been the real case, but now I'm going to be prejudiced against him... see what I mean? Anyway, Keats was a nice poet. It's a shame he died so young, but at least he was able to glean some of his teeming brain, and now high piled books, in charact'ry, hold like rich garners the grain of those who attempt to deconstruct the huge cloudy symbols of his high genius. - T
Hunh? - A
Hunh? - A
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