Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

IMDB link: An Inconvenient Truth
Source: Cinema
Date viewed: June 13, 2006

See this movie.

I think frequently of something I heard Gore Vidal say on NPR's "Science Friday" back, maybe, ten or fifteen years ago – "The human race is a parasite which is attacking its host." This movie, the work of another Gore, lays out the gory details of the current state of that battle. In short, we're winning. Al Gore was the first person I ever voted for, in the 1988 primaries, from college, with an absentee ballot, and I've never been more proud of that youthful decision. - T

The movie was well put together and compelling. Humans will suffer from the effects of global warming. The Earth itself will just spin on until the sun goes out. - A


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