Saturday, June 02, 2007

Art School Confidential

IMDB: Art School Confidential
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: May 18, 2007

It's movies like this one that make you appreciate good films. This is a terrible one. Even formidable actors (Malkovich, Broadbent, Huston, Buscemi - and wasn't that Morgan Freeman as the guard at the end?!!?) are gilding on a dandelion. Everything is so blunt. The art school "types," the writing, the directing... it's all awful. Perhaps Clowes and Zwigoff really do believe that "bad" art is really "good" art, and if so, bravo guys, you did it! - T

Lame. That's the word that kept coming to mind as I watched this movie. As cliched as a scarecrow with no brains. So bland and hackneyed without seeming to be even remotely aware of it. How could that be, you ask? I have no idea. - A


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