Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

IMDB: Slumdog Millionaire
Source: Cinema
Date viewed: February 3, 2009

This movie taught me three things:
1. A single human life, any human life, is worthless.
2. The human race will never live peaceably.
3. God is great.

- T

**Warning: Spoilers**
If nothing else, this movie made me less inclined to visit India than ever before in my life. If this is really a country where a game show contestant can be taken off the set and beaten senseless for getting some questions right, that's not a place I want to go. On the other hand, the practice might work wonders in America - it could toughen up those Idol contestants big-time. More generally, most of the time I found the movie's plot-reveal gimmick, or strategy, if you prefer, boring. I found the peppy dance number at the end of the movie incongruous with the painful drama that permeated much of the film. I'm going to lock in my answer and say that this film should not win the Best Picture Oscar. - A


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