Friday, October 06, 2006

Who Killed the Electric Car?

IMDB link: Who Killed the Electric Car?
Source: cinema
Date viewed: August 17, 2006

Depressing. I would like to see definitive studies about the pollution difference between a regular gas-powered engine's emissions and the output from a coal-fed electric plant required to propel an electric vehicle the same number of miles. I'm not saying that electric cars aren't good for inner-city smog, noise, etc., but I don't particularly love the idea of more of our power coming from coal. It might be a wash, I don't know. (Did you realize that over 50% of America's energy already comes from coal?) Also, Mel Gibson is a total weirdo. - T

Sad, sad, sad. Even if 3/4 of the movie is poo-pooed, or disputed, it's still very sad. Greed, privilege, and egotism carry the day once again. - A


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