The Transporter
IMDB link: The Transporter
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: November 29, 2005
This movie is terrible. There are some cool scenes, and a couple new ideas for choreographed fighting, but the writing and acting are just awful. I wanted to see it because I thought that the trailer for "Transporter 2" looked good, and I thought that I should probably see the original before seeing the sequel and, well, you know how Netflix is - you put something on the queue and eventually it shows up in the mailbox and you watch it. I'll tell you one thing though, "Transporter 2" will not be showing up in the mailbox unless one of you out there has a very, very strong argument. - T
About what you'd expect. I enjoyed the action scenes, but the "character development" left a lot to be desired. Of course, you don't really need character development when you have the pectoral development that Jason Statham has. - A
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