Sunday, March 30, 2008

Suddenly Last Summer

IMDB: Suddenly Last Summer
Source: TCM
Date viewed: March 25, 2008

First off, let me just say that Elizabeth Taylor wasn't just a bombshell, she was the whole #@!&!! bomb! wow. That said, this is a somewhat shocking (remember, it was released in 1959) movie dealing with homosexuality, rape, and gruesome murder. Montgomery Clift is terrible, but it doesn't matter because Katharine Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor, or both, are on the screen about 98% of the time, and when they're talking (or, in the case of Taylor, merely visible) you don't notice anything else. - T

An interesting film. One of the most interesting parts was the way all the unpleasantness was only obliquely referred to - the plot is built around several topics which could not be named (see above). I have to agree with Tom that Montgomery Clift is little more than a rack to hang a suit on in this film, but the two ladies fill their roles quite nicely. - A


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