Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Imagine Me & You

IMDB link: Imagine Me & You
Source: Cinema
Date viewed: February 20, 2006

Hated it. Not to spoil it for anyone, but I find it a little hard to believe that a 27-year old woman, on her wedding day, would look into the eyes of another woman and decide *she* was "the one." - A

I enjoyed it. I agree, though, that it was a bit unbelievable. Would it all have been so simple if, for example, she had met this other person ten or twelve years into the marriage? And what if it had been just another guy, instead of a woman? What would have happened then? - T

Monday, February 13, 2006

Shaun of the Dead

IMDB link: Shaun of the Dead
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: February 10, 2006

Some funny parts in the beginning, but from about the halfway point on, there is far too much yelling and it becomes irritating and bad, rather than funny and good. - T

I thought the beginning was funny, but then it got gross, which I suppose is the point of this type of movie. It had some of our favorite British actors - Tim and Dawn from The Office, and Bill Nighy. I thought the actor who played Shaun did a nice job. I hated his friend Ed, but I enjoyed their "relationship." - A

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Aristocrats

IMDB link: The Aristocrats
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: February 9, 2006

Pretty f'in funny. - A

Hi - larious! Not for everyone, perhaps, (Dad, don't rent this) but for those who can take it, it is enjoyable. - T

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


IMDB link: Capote
Source: Cinema
Date viewed: February 7, 2006

Tremendous. Philip Seymour Hoffman is very, very good. It makes me want to read more about Capote, and maybe even read his books. - T

Really very good. I don't know how accurately he represented Truman Capote, but PSH did a marvellous job of creating a character. The presentation of what Capote did for the sake of his book made for a gripping tale. - A

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Two for the Road

IMDB link: Two for the Road
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: February 3, 2006

A largely irritating and unconvincing argument for (or was it against?) long-term relationships. - T

I liked this movie, on the whole. Audrey Hepburn was very good, as was her wardrobe. I didn't like Finney, but that might have been because his character was unappealing. - A