Thursday, May 29, 2008

Across the Universe

IMDB: Across the Universe
Source: Netflix
Dates viewed: May 27, 29, 2008

Everyone is named for a Beatles song, each just waiting his or her turn to be sung to, or about. That's all it is, a parade of Beatles cover songs. It's like Godspell all over again - and not in a good way. The references were so obvious as to be painful to me. At the end, one question did remain, why was this movie made? - A

"Weak" was the word that kept coming to mind. Weak covers (with maybe one exception - the a cappella version of "Because"), weak plot... weak movie. The Beatles songs are undeniably great, but the filmmaking is just so blunt. So unimaginative and horrible. There were times when watching was almost painful - to see these songs mistreated so. - T

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Rocket Science

IMDB: Rocket Science
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: May 3, 2008

I no longer know who recommended this movie to me, but I'm sure someone did. It's a cute movie, but it's not just a cute movie. It has drama and pathos and humor. Another thing I liked was that the story stayed true to life **SPOILER ALERT** - no implausible events occur to create a pat ending. Movie makers often seem to have trouble keeping it real. Maybe *that* is rocket science. - A

The stutter was a little annoying after a while (is that wrong to say?) but overall, the movie is charming and, as Amy alluded to, somewhat unpredictable, which is nice. My favorite line from the movie - "There's a cello in your house now." - T

Friday, May 02, 2008

In Bruges

IMDB: In Bruges
Source: Cinema
Date viewed: May 2, 2008

I liked the movie quite a bit, but I don't really know what to say about it. It had good characters, an interesting story, and it was funny. I think what made it different from many other movies (besides the fact that it was worth watching (hahahhahaha)) was WHAT I found myself laughing at, especially compared to my fellow movie goers. As an aside, I have been in Bruges, and I have to differ from Ray. I thought it was lovely. - A

SPOILER ALERT. I liked the tidy, short-story-like plot. It was hilarious in parts, and although some of the violence was funny (the blinding sequence and Fiennes' recounting of it later), some of it was not, and the overall theme of regret for a killing gone wrong was well handled, I thought. Fiennes' theme of living by principles is easy to like, but the very idea seems to be challenged by not only Brendan Gleeson's Ken, but also the ending, when Harry makes a fatal mistake. - T