Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Proposal

IMDB: The Proposal
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: February 9, 2010

I've asked before, and I'll ask again, why the fascination with this plot line? Man and woman pretend to be in love when they aren't, but then, guess what [SPOILER], by the end of the day/night/weekend/movie, they are. Inconceivable! - A

Ahh, purely a circus, to be sure, but an entertaining one. Does it say something about me that I chose THIS Sandra Bullock movie to see instead of the Blind Side? Perhaps. - T


IMDB: Religulous
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: February 4, 2010

Preaching to the choir, but the preacher himself grates a bit. - A

Yes, my esteemed partner across the aisle hits the nail right on the hand, so to speak... Although I agree with Mr. Maher's stance completely, he makes it very hard to like him, and I ended up thinking that this whole venture could have been more carefully, and perhaps more effectively done. This film is not going to change anyone's mind. - T

The Hangover

IMDB: The Hangover
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: January 31, 2010

Strong stuff, with only a few sour notes. - A

Some parts were hilarious, some parts were a little lame. It's just about exactly what you expect. - T