Friday, November 12, 2010


Source: Cinema
Date viewed: November 11, 2010

Loved it. Bruce Willis stepping out of the cop car while it's in a spin and firing is one hell of a cool move, and the first kidnapping/car conversation is very nicely done. Go see it. - T

You won't be blue when you see Red. It's very entertaining. Plus, there's a library in it! - A

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dorian Gray

IMDB: Dorian Gray
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: November 10, 2010

Rather more gruesome than absolutely necessary, perhaps. Too many audible dying breaths. - T

I enjoy the philosophical angles of this story. The movie seemed to focus instead on the icky, lurid parts with an emphasis on special effects. Not my cup of tea. - A

Casino Royale

IMDB: Casino Royale
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: October 22, 2010

This was put on the queue, even though we've already seen it, because it was believed to contain the sequence shot at the Palio. It does not, but it still holds up very well as the best Bond film to come out in the past 20 years or more. Possibly the best ever. - T

Daniel Craig makes a very promising start as the new Bond in this movie. It held up to a second viewing. - A

The Invention of Lying

IMDB: The Invention of Lying
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: October 19, 2010

Pretty funny overall. I don't really agree with the idea that people will automatically be mean just because they can never lie, but any film that makes a mockery of religion is all right by me! - T

Great cameos. Good concept. Some funny lines: "There is no hairstyle that will keep you out of heaven." Discuss. - A

Hot Tub Time Machine

IMDB: Hot Tub Time Machine
Source: Netflix (Katherine & Jack's)
Date viewed: September, 2010

Best. Movie. Ever. - T

Despite the promising title, I had my doubts about this one. However, by the end of the film I was convinced. We need a hot tub. - A


IMDB: Trekkies
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: September 6, 2010

Scary. I like Star Trek and all, but some of the life-decisions on display in this movie are a little startling. - T

I find my esteemed colleague's fear a little tribbling. It seems he was phazed by ordinary people's efforts to transport themselves to a more suluthing future. It shouldn't spock him at all. It seemed quite kirkfect to me. - A

Whip It

IMDB: Whip It
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: August 20, 2010

This movie seemed an awful lot like a bunch of ideas for scenes in a movie like this that were all filmed separately and then put together. You've got the hero in difficulty, the party scenes, the action scenes, the redemption... it all just seemed so rote. I love you Drew, but you should probably stick to acting rather than directing. If you want to discuss it, though, you know how reach me. - T

Implausible, gimmicky, and, as my esteemed colleague has pointed out, hackneyed. Maybe someone should have advised the director to slow things down a bit. - A