Monday, October 17, 2005


IMDB link: Crash
Date viewed: October 15, 2005
Source: Netflix

Black and white issues are never black and white, but infinite shades of gray. An intense movie. - T

A painful movie to watch. Are humans really so stupid and so cruel? The movie was a little manipulative and the people and events a bit manipulated, but still very distressing. While I realize that humans have probably been bred to recognize and shun people outside their own group, you'd think that after all these years and "civilization" we could get past that. But, it turns out we can't. - A


IMDB Link: Wit
Date viewed: October 13, 2005
Source: Netflix

Brutal. Emma Thompson is very convincing as a brilliant English poetry professor who has recently found out that she has ovarian cancer. It's not easy to watch, and it made me think a lot about hospitals, which I hate. Still, I can recommend it, but I have to say again - brutal. - T

Well acted, but hard to watch. Do not push play without a box of tissues on hand. So hard, but so real. - A

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Day After Tomorrow

IMDB link: The Day After Tomorrow
Date viewed: October 8, 2005
Source: Netflix

About what you'd expect from a crazy science-themed disaster movie with a moral. The plot was predictable, and just a little bit ridiculous. The dialogue was often lame, and the relationship between the two young people was without interest or drama. The special effects were fairly obvious, but might have seemed more realistic had we seen the movie on the big screen, as we perhaps should have. Still, I enjoyed it. - A

It was nice to see an orderly evacuation of the entire U.S. south of the Mason Dixon line, and it was reassuring to see FEMA people handing out supplies and food to the stricken populace - just like it would be in real life if anything terrible were to happen to the U.S. ... ... ... I like Dennis Quaid and I like Jake Gyllenhaal, and they're both fine. The movie is ridiculous, but it's not especially terrible. It's kind of fun to see the destruction, and yes, we really should have seen this on the big screen. - T

Friday, October 07, 2005


IMDB link: Flightplan
Date viewed: October 4, 2005
Source: Cinema

Given my Hinckley-esque adoration of Jodie Foster, I had to go to see this movie. First, the good news – Jodie still looks good at 42, and she's onscreen for at least 98% of the film. But I'm afraid that's all the good news I have to report. The movie itself is not good. Since I don't want to give anything away, there's really not much to say, except that the story seems flawed and the dialogue is, at times, embarrassingly bad. Would I see it again? With the sound off, yes. - T