Saturday Night Fever
IMDB: Saturday Night Fever
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: August 28, 2007
Wow. This was much darker than I imagined it would be. Was life really like that in the '70s? If so, my teenage years in the early eighties seem awfully tame. Travolta definitely deserved the "Best Actor" nomination. (I have not yet seen "Goodbye Girl," but Dreyfuss better have given one hell of a performance.) Except for the scenes on the bridge, which I didn't particularly care for, and which seemed a little obvious/forced, I really loved the whole thing. It explains so much. One small thing that I got out of it was this - in an episode of "The Simpsons," Mel Gibson has John Travolta fly him somewhere in Travolta's personal plane (a somewhat recent thing for J.T.), but when they have Travolta speak, the accent is directly from this movie, not anything subsequent, like Pulp Fiction. OK, it's a small thing, but it straightened that out for me. To sum up - good movie. - T
Flashing lights, tight pink polyester pants, defrocked priests, bridges looming in the night, people spinning and twirling, an insistent, pulsing beat - what's going on? I think it might be a Saturday night fever. - A