The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)Source: Cinema
Date viewed: Friday, December 26th, 2008
I didn't mind this movie. Don't get me wrong, the original is much better. Sure, it has some lame dialogue and is pree-hee-hee-chy, but, it didn't seem to have as many internal consistency flaws as many others of the genre. And, I must say, if there was ever a role for Keanu Reeves, this is it. Not really a great re-make of the original, if that's what you're looking for, but I didn't feel the need to call out Klaatu bararda nicto to make it stop. - A
It was sappy, but I didn't hate it. How could I hate a movie in which the alien is first won over by the beauty of Bach's Goldberg Variations (and in particular, the first variation)? Also, it was nice to see Giants Stadium reduced to dust. The young Smith boy is irritating, but Keanu Reeves was born to play this part. I felt no sense of urgency, however, and the whole "earth standing still" part didn't make as much sense as it did in the original. - T