Sunday, March 30, 2008


Source: Netflix
Date viewed: March 29, 2008

I don't swear much in mixed company, but I have nothing against the well-placed profanity. Why, just in my last review, I could think of a few choice adjectives to go before "bomb," but instead decided to leave it open for you to insert your own. Was this prudishness? Good-taste? or was even this insinuation of the vulgar too much for your sensitive sense of decency? If the latter, do not put this on the queue. If, on the other hand, you enjoy the comedy of George Carlin, the movies of Kevin Smith, and you have a high tolerance for conservative moron windbags, go ahead - it's somewhat interesting and has some funny moments. - T

I might point out that this film is not just about a specific four-letter word, infinitely expressive though it may be, but, more importantly, about freedom of speech. I found it to be surprisingly dull for all that, but that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. If you don't like it you can go .... write a comment. - A

Suddenly Last Summer

IMDB: Suddenly Last Summer
Source: TCM
Date viewed: March 25, 2008

First off, let me just say that Elizabeth Taylor wasn't just a bombshell, she was the whole #@!&!! bomb! wow. That said, this is a somewhat shocking (remember, it was released in 1959) movie dealing with homosexuality, rape, and gruesome murder. Montgomery Clift is terrible, but it doesn't matter because Katharine Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor, or both, are on the screen about 98% of the time, and when they're talking (or, in the case of Taylor, merely visible) you don't notice anything else. - T

An interesting film. One of the most interesting parts was the way all the unpleasantness was only obliquely referred to - the plot is built around several topics which could not be named (see above). I have to agree with Tom that Montgomery Clift is little more than a rack to hang a suit on in this film, but the two ladies fill their roles quite nicely. - A

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Constant Gardener

IMDB: The Constant Gardener
Source: Netflix
Date viewed: March 14, 2008

With all due respect, this felt a lot like a two-hour ad for Oxfam. Not that there's anything wrong with Oxfam. I thought the film improved after Rachel Weisz got stopped appearing on screen. - A

It's been two weeks since I saw this, and, mercifully, I'm beginning to forget it. What I do remember is a somewhat interesting public service announcement with a slightly irritating cast. - T

The Princess Bride

IMDB: The Princess Bride
Source: Home collection
Date viewed: March 6, 2008

Another movie I enjoy watching again and again. I'd go so far as to call this one a classic, and that word does mean what I think it means. - A

This is one of my favorite movies. - T

Blast from the Past

IMDB: Blast from the Past
Source: Home collection
Date viewed: March 1, 2008

I really like this movie. I've seen it about 5 times now, and I am always entertained by it. It has a very good cast including two of my favorites, Christopher Walken and Brendan Fraser. The farther it gets from its original release date (1999) the more of a blast from the past it becomes. - A

Yeah, I'm in the same bunker - I've seen it a few times and it's always funny. - T